Applied improvisation is “yoga for your communication & leadership skills”*
An Improvisers Toolkit

Improv Workshops & Keynotes
Customized, Interactive, Experiential, Fun!
Through a series of structured, interactive, tailored small-group exercises and role-plays, we provide a crash course in the fundamentals of improvisational and theatrical techniques and bridge its application back to business communication and leadership.
These are fun, shared experiences designed to create an environment where participants can practice new things in a safe environment. Participants walk away with a specific set of skills and a philosophical mindset that can be applied on a day-to-day basis in their everyday work lives.
- EWorkshops: Half Day & Full Day
- EConferences: Keynotes & Breakouts
- EProgram Design & Curriculum Development
Featured Programs
- Leadership Programs:
“Creating a Listen Up Culture”
Build communication skills that engender trust and support, so that employees are more likely to speak up to challenge business decisions and report unethical behavior when they encounter it. - Ethics, Compliance & Legal Programs:
“Communication, Collaboration & Trust”
Focus on communication, collaboration and building rapport so that your business colleagues are more likely to involve you in business decisions, ask questions and report concerns. - Employee Programs:
“Communicating with Respect, Even When We Disagree”
Provide a toolkit of communication skills to help keep emotional responses at bay, to remain open to other points of view and to feel confident speaking up to challenge unethical behavior.
Other Applied Improvisation Workshops:
- Agility & Adapting to Change
- Communication & Collaboration
- Creativity & Innovation
- Customer Service
- Leadership & Executive Presence
- Sales Effectiveness
- Storytelling
Scenic Add-Ons:
We can add scenes to most any workshop to highlight a specific teachable moment. These scenes can be rewound and replayed to show how these improv skills affect outcomes.
- Diversity & Inclusion
- Harassment & Discrimination
- Women & Leadership
- Most Any Workplace Behavior Topic
We blend entertainment with learning to make important, hard-to-get-at subjects more engaging and memorable.
There’s a difference between having a difficult conversation and a conversation about a difficult thing.
Entertain to engage. Communicate Colorfully.