L&E is a creative services
and learning content provider
made up of comedians, improvisers, writers, musicians, filmmakers and artists that focuses on employee engagement, communication and corporate education. We take tough, complex, hard-to-get-at subject matter and find creative ways to make these important topics more accessible, engaging and memorable.
At L&E, we utilize the entertainment devices that people use to consume information in their everyday, non-work lives, and apply it to important workplace topics. It’s not about the funny. It’s about changing the tone to make your program, policies and resources more accessible. It’s about making emotional connections to help with recall. It’s about being empathetic and thoughtful of the audience and their time, which helps build trust. And it’s about creating a social environment where people are more likely to ask questions and report concerns.
Street Cred

Origins of L&E
L&E was founded in 2016 by Ronnie Feldman who has been an entrepreneur in the improv, entertainment and learning space for over 20 years. Ronnie previously built a corporate education business with the business services division the famed improv comedy institution, The Second City, including the development of what came to be known as the RealBiz Video Shorts Libraries. Under his direction, Second City Works became a multimillion dollar enterprise collaborating with 25% of the Fortune 1000.
By partnering with artists, executives and learning professionals, listening and reacting to common industry challenges, and leveraging a network of improv comedy talent, Ronnie and his team have great fun developing innovative, creative programming around important workplace topics to help engage, educate, remind and reinforce. L&E continues to challenge and disrupt the corporate education space, partnering with the business community to help make learning more fun, meaningful and impactful.

Our Clients & Partners

Del Close
Legendary Improviser & Teacher
Treat your audience like poets and geniuses and they’ll have the chance to become them.

Jack Kerouac
American Novelist
Great things are not accomplished by those who yield to trends and fads and popular opinion.

Charles Bukowski
Poet, Novelist, and Short Story Writer
An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way.